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08427 Storage 10×12


High Classic Cottage Storage barn




SKU: 08427

Prices shown on most buildings now include delivery! Listed price does not include tax or site prep. A $500 payment will reserve the building in your name. Within 1 business day a customer service representative will call and talk about final details, additional charges(inc. tax and site prep) and any applicable discounts.


Size: 10×12
Rent to Own for:
$177.80 / 48 mo
$217.31 / 36 mo
$260.78 / 24 mo
Building color: Dark Gray
Trim color: White
Roof color: MTL Charcoal Gray

This is a brochure building and is currently not for sale

This High Cottage Classic has the following features:

  • 3 windows to let in the light
  • 1×6 fascia trim
  • A 4′ double door
  • A workbench
  • A ramp for easy access
Rent to own statement: Consumer does not acquire ownership right until the total of payment to acquire ownership is paid.

Additional information

