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11885 Camp 14×28

Original price was: $45,737.00.Current price is: $44,364.89.

14×28 Acadia Camp

1 in stock

Reserve for: $500.00


SKU: 11885
Category: ,

Prices shown on most buildings now include delivery! Listed price does not include tax or site prep. A $500 payment will reserve the building in your name. Within 1 business day a customer service representative will call and talk about final details, additional charges(inc. tax and site prep) and any applicable discounts.


Building color: Oak Urethane
Trim color: Riehl Green
Roof color: Green Mtl

This 14×28 Acadia Camp includes:
~ Outside base width is 13’4″
~ 88.5″ high walls – 2×4 studs 16″ 0.C.
~ Snow load rating of 90 P.S.F.
~ 5 Pressure Treated 4×4 skids
~ 2×6 roof rafters 16″ O.C. with a 4.5/12 pitch
~ Metal Roof
~ TechShield roof sheathing
~ 5/50 LP SmartSide Siding (5 year full / 50 year prorated)
~ 50 year Advantech Floor

Additional information

